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I Do Have A Question It's Really Not About HIV But Back In 2008 I Bought My Home Here In Ky. I Had Met This Guy I Thought Was Real Wasn't

A myHIVteam Member asked a question 💭
Bowling Green, KY

Well turned out was just using me I put him on my deed plus paid for his car, cycle, and way to many thing to talk about. We lived together maybe 9 months I came home one night to an empty house he will not sign off the house. I had got attorneys did what they said to do with no luck just money out the window. What I'm wanting to know dose anyone have any suggestions of what I need or can do he will not sign and in Kentucky I have to live with that. Sorry this is not a HIV question just it stays… read more

July 30, 2024
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A myHIVteam Member

Get a lawyer. You can’t afford free advice.

August 6, 2024
A myHIVteam Member

Thanks Evan for taking time to give your insight your right he has used the system to his avenge plus being here in Kentucky and being gay not the best place to be. The town I live in we have been trying to pass a fairness act if they don't like you because your gay in this town can turn you away in town meetings. people say they will not serve gays or rent to gays if they know your gay I have just learned to live with it one year pride the KKK showed up thanks for your answer. If you don' mind me saying Have a Blessed day

July 31, 2024
A myHIVteam Member

Change the locks and give yourself a rest from that kind of man searching. Perhaps you're going about it the wrong way.. lesson learned 🌈🌈🌈🌈❤️👍🤗

July 30, 2024
A myHIVteam Member
August 6, 2024
A myHIVteam Member

@A myHIVteam Member I am sorry to hear you were taken advantage of in such a way.
1- Burn the house down, literally, but make it seem like an accident to get some of the insurance money. You want to think the way he does; this means stooping to the lowest level for a time, something that is clearly beneath you.
2- Hire a strongarm to beat the crap out of this leach, hunt him down, make him sign off. If he hasn't made payments on the gifted vehicle and motorbike. Let the banks repossess, even if you cosigned, get out of it by filing for bankruptcy. The courts will liquidate all of your assets some of which are the vehicle and motorbike.
I know these suggestions are not in your character, but sometimes you have to fight fire with fire.
As older gentlemen with the means to spoil some attractive lover who initially appears committed to the relationship, it is and was in your best interest to say "no" to certain things thereby protecting yourself and your assets.
This might well be at a loss for you. Good luck! Some of my suggestions are illegal
and may get you into deeper trouble. Tread lightly! and be totally aware.

August 5, 2024

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