I Don't Know Much About It, But Is Doxie Pep Also HIV Prep?
Troy and I was talking a few days ago, and I want him to get on prep and doxie.
Can he just take doxie, or will he need prep AND doxie?
I told him I'd ask around.
Doxycycline is used for other bacterias or STD's. Make sure you protect yourself first and foremost. Many have been down the road of suppose to be monogamous relationships and ended up here.You Don't want to get coinfected with another strain that would be resistant to the meds.that work for you now.You also don't want the guilt of someone saying you gave them this virus knowing dang well you viral load is undetectable. We've all have to protect ourselves. Sending Love
I must be living under a rock somewhere cause.I've never heard of doxie
Xavier as long as you continue to take your medication there should be no transmission. If you feel that there is a strong chance with transmission then I believe that you both should wear protection. 😃Also, what increases the chances of transmission is the use of drugs and or alcohol. Because drugs and alcohol increases the viral load and decreases the CD4 count. therefore the likelihood of no transmission is your faithfulness to your medication 💊 abstaining from illicit drug use or Alcohol 🍺 🍷 🥃 and remaining in a monogamous relationship. 🥰 These are just a few suggestions that reduce the risk of transmission.
Doxie-Pep some more info
Can you?
Guys educate me a little bit as far as what doxie is?
Doxy Pep
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