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Top 10 search results for "a political question you may or may not want to respond to" in Q&A. To see all results and access other features, sign up for free.

How Do I Change My Location?

A myHIVteam Member asked a question 💭
A myHIVteam Member

Change your location by visiting me in Vietnam

Enlarged Liver Part 3

A myHIVteam Member asked a question 💭

Finally got all my test results back diagnoses is echogenic and heterogeneous liver. Doctor says fatty liver. All other ultrasound sound tests are normal. He wants to see me in 8 weeks. Anyone have any suggestions?should I not drink alcohol? Fatty food etc. my doctor didn’t specify anything to change besides the normal limit alcohol consumption and eat better. Also do ARV meds interact with fatty liver . Thanks for all those who have expressed there opinions on part 1 and part 2 of my liver… read more

A myHIVteam Member

Different problem with different diagnosis. Well I don't feel absolutely nothing. the only 1 thing I need now is a man.Husband
Please if you guys know any dating site I can meet someone please direct… read more

2024 Retrovirus Conference

A myHIVteam Member asked a question 💭

The 2024 retrovirus conference ended this week and there was some promising news. They found out the drugs Islatravir and lenacapavir taken together once a week worked just as well as once a day ARVS. To me this is good news since I really hate taking pills everyday. Instead of 365 pills a year ,taken 52 pills a year sounds good to me.i know there is the every other month injectable’s but i dont know if i want to get injections just yet. Of course this new once a week drug is still at least a… read more

A myHIVteam Member

Ditto! Same here. No more injections. No extra appointments thank you very much.

If You Voted For Biden/Harris, What Was Your Deciding Factor In Voting For Them?

A myHIVteam Member asked a question 💭

I know this is political and may be sensitive to some of our readers/team mates. My apologies.
By voting for this current administration, what do you feel is the strongest promises put forth by the campaign that supports us and our needs here? Where do you want to see us 4 years later? Since this administration is relatively new, what do you hope this administration will accomplish during the first year in the White House?

A myHIVteam Member

I would vote for a poodle if it means keeping Trump out of the white house! That man should never be allowed to run for any government office again. He is mental and has brought great turmoil and… read more

Has Todays' Politics Caused You Stress, Anxiety Or Sleepless Nights?

A myHIVteam Member asked a question 💭

Have you had to access therapy or take additional medication for this stress? Has your immune system shown sigs of repression from this stress?

A myHIVteam Member

I do as well🤗...👁️👄💨💨💨🎄🎄...

When Is The Right Time To Tell Your Partner About Your Status?

A myHIVteam Member asked a question 💭
A myHIVteam Member

@A myHIVteam Member At least it was you who publicly outed yourself. I was outed in the most outrageous of manners in such a way that it caught not only national headlines from coast to coast, but… read more

Why Did You Join My HIV Team

A myHIVteam Member asked a question 💭

I joined this site to meet like minded individuals living with HIV not to debate or push my beliefs on one another! I have good days and bad days! I want to learn, share our experiences, be an ear, and support each other without promoting hate of any kind. I love the inspirational stories yet want to be a conduit of hope for the broken! We all need some body!

I attempted suicide due to a lack of support living with HIV! Let’s focus on stories of survival vs our differences in beliefs and… read more

A myHIVteam Member

Hello @A myHIVteam Member and Team! That's an Awesome question in reagard to asking "Why dd you join My HIV Team?"

For me...Back in the day...when I was first diagnosed at being HIV positive in 2003… read more

Hi, this is just a check-in, based on a phrase you mentioned. If you — or anyone else who sees this — is thinking about self-harm, we want to say that you are an important part of this community. No part of this is easy, but there is support that can help. Read more >

Tonight’s Debate

A myHIVteam Member asked a question 💭

Hate to talk about politics but tonight’s presidential debate will begin. Funding for HIV and other LGBTQ funding could also be affected by who are next president will be. Are you concerned one way or the other or you don’t think it will make a difference who the next president will be.

A myHIVteam Member

It doesn't matter law passed by Congress funded by Congress

Debate Part 2

A myHIVteam Member asked a question 💭

Any opinions on last nights presidential debate.Unfortunately Biden did not do so well and trump gave us the same old song and dance like he always does. While this is off topic on an HIV site in a way it is not. Many of our lives depends on the government letting us have access to medicine and treatment for the many who don’t have health insurance through there job etc. and just the compassion from a president can go along way on HIV policies. Biden is old but that dosent mean he’s incapable… read more

A myHIVteam Member

Parkinson's disease specialist was at the White House this morning

Would Going Back To An HIV- Status Make A Difference In Your Life, Right Now?

A myHIVteam Member asked a question 💭
A myHIVteam Member

You are right!