Has Todays' Politics Caused You Stress, Anxiety Or Sleepless Nights?
Have you had to access therapy or take additional medication for this stress? Has your immune system shown sigs of repression from this stress?
Nope. Politics isn’t worth the stress even though i follow things quite closely.
Thanks for the Hugs! (“”)🐻HugsTo One & All(“”)
Yes...Yes...& Yes....
Because there are those within our community that cannot access health providers & medications and whose disability is being questioned..eg Transgender people with HIV, Social Security recipients, Medicare and Medicaid recipients ( changes to our premiums and copays....)...that is why it presents stress to some of us...:).. not to mention the rollback of protections on our water and food inspections. That's just the tip of the issues that affect us as a community and the United States and its effect on the world.🌎
Yes the current so called leader has been causing a lot of stress for many people..I can’t stand the ORANGE “LEADER “ but honestly if we get
The other IDIOT “VP” in office of
The leader we may be in more trouble!!!
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