Good Morning, If Someone Could Tell Me A Place To Seek Medical Attention In Jeffersonville And Get The Medications, Greetings
Buen Día Si Alguien Me Pudiera Decir Algún Lugar Para Buscar Atención Médica En Jeffersonville Y Obtener Los Medicamentos Saludos
Thank you, I lived in Florida and recently moved to Jeffersonville. I don't have health insurance here and I don't know if they will treat me and I don't want to lose my regular treatment and medical attention. Greetings
Gracias es que vivía en Florida y recientemente me mude para jeffersonville no tengo seguro médico aquí y no se si me van atender y no quiero perder mi tratamiento y atención médica con regularidad saludos
Thank you so much
Muchas gracias
To obtain medical care and medications in Jeffersonville, it is important that you contact a local healthcare provider. On the MyHealthTeam site, you can find support and share experiences with others who have similar conditions, but direct medical advice is not provided.
I recommend that you find a health professional in Show Full Answer
Para obtener atención médica y medicamentos en Jeffersonville, es importante que te pongas en contacto con un proveedor de atención médica local. En el sitio MyHealthTeam, puedes encontrar apoyo y compartir experiencias con otras personas que tienen condiciones similares, pero no se proporciona asesoramiento médico directo Mostrar respuesta completa
Read the comment above yours. You just then answered your own question.
Hello, if anyone knows where I can have it. My treatment was free since I recently entered the United States.
Hola si alguien sabe dónde puedo tener. Mi tratamiento gratis ya que ase poco entré alos estados unidos
Hello, I Am From Denver, Colorado, I Am An Immigrant, I Have Recently Arrived, Can Anyone Help, Where Can I Find Help For Treatment?
Does Anyone Here Know Where I Can Find Help For People With HIV In Denver Colorado?
Hello, Does Anyone Know Where I Can Seek Help For HIV Treatment? I Am New To The US