To My Hiv Team Who Is In Charge Of This Group Is It Just Us Saying Hi There Should Be Professionals Who Volunteer To Help People Who Need
There are People who are asking and need important help I know I was in that situation once and the only way I knew was after I was tested I went to the county hiv clinic
Usually when people ask for help, they are not asking in the correct spot. If they ask a question in the general chat area, their question is going to get lost fast and nobody will see it, so nobody will answer. For questions, you have to ask in the question and answer section where it will not get lost in the general chat section.
We all try to help as much as possible but if one doesn't use the site as intended, then they will not get results as a result.
myHIVteam is a social network designed for individuals diagnosed with HIV to connect and support each other. It is not a medical referral site and does not recommend or endorse any particular provider or medical treatment. The platform is primarily for peer support and sharing experiences, rather than professional medical Show Full Answer
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