If You Were Given A Million Dollars But Told You Cannot Keep It, What Would You Do With It??
If someone gave you a million dollars to do anything you wanted with but the only restriction was that you could NOT 🚫 keep it, what would you do with it?
I would set up a person who would invest in research for HIV and keep reinvesting in the market and keep research advancing and if there is money to get is tripled then have a place that people who are not supported by family and are truly trying to be climbing to get theirself out of relationships that are volatile and provide safe place and counseling. 5yi would bea free service and housing till they are stable
Half of it for HIV people that need help with meds and half of it to help the homeless population
One of the biggest things money buys is security. Having a small Savings account in case of emergency can lower your daily blood pressure. I would set people up with a Savings account that was commensurate with their situation. Once you have that backup, you never want to be without it!
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