Information On Where To Go For Help?
Información Sobre Dónde Ir Por Ayuda?
I was diagnosed a few weeks ago, I don't know what to do, I don't know if this is why they will take me out of this country since I don't have documents. What I can do?
Fui diagnóstica hace unas semanas, no sé que hacer, no sé si por esto me.saquen de este país ya que no tengo documentos. Que puedo hacer?
To obtain medical advice about your condition, it is best to partner with your healthcare provider. Although other people's experiences can be helpful, only a professional who can interact with you on a personal level can provide you with the most accurate and useful treatment advice.
Para obtener asesoramiento médico sobre su condición, es mejor asociarse con su proveedor de atención médica. Aunque las experiencias de otras personas pueden ser útiles, solo un profesional que pueda interactuar con usted a nivel personal puede brindarle los consejos de tratamiento más precisos y útiles.
This AI-generated response comes from myHIVteam and other selected sources. It is not a substitute for medical advice. Always ask your doctor about specific health concerns.
it sounds like you have yourself in a hard place right now. if you would have filled out proper documents before entering this country, you wouldn't be worried about it right now. but, since you are here illegally, there is not much you can do legally about documents now. about the only option you have is to go back the way you came in, then fill out the necessary documents, then come back.
otherwise, you can take your chances and find an HIV/AIDS service organizations and see if they can help in anyway.
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