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Latin America Where Having HIV Means Being Classified As AIDS

Latinoamérica Donde Tener Vih Es Caterogizarte Como Sida

A myHIVteam Member asked a question 💭
Wisconsin Rapids, WI

They are different things, HIV is the disease and AIDS is the terminal stage, so people have created that stigma of knowing about HIV, as they popularly call it AIDS, and they make it see it as dangerous. The WHO classifies HIV as a chronic disease??😃

Son cosas diferentes vih es la enfermedad y sida la etapa terminal entonces la gente ha creado ese estigma de conocer el vih como popularmente lo llaman sida y lo hacen ver como peligroso la oms cataloga el vih como una enfermedad crónica??😃

May 22, 2024
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A myHIVteam Member

You are absolutely right, RobertoGomez2. It is important to clarify that HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) and AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) are not the same. HIV is the virus that, if left untreated, can lead to AIDS, which is the advanced stage of HIV infection.

Unfortunately, in many places, including Latin America, there is a stigma of automatically categorizing people with HIV as having AIDS. However, with current treatments, HIV is considered a manageable chronic disease, and many people with HIV never develop AIDS if they follow their treatment properly.

The World Health Organization (WHO) and other health entities recognize that HIV is a chronic disease that, with appropriate treatment, allows people to lead a long and healthy life.

It is essential to continue educating and raising awareness to eliminate these stigmas and understand that HIV and AIDS are different and that HIV, with proper treatment, is not a death sentence.

Thanks for sharing your perspective! 😃

Tienes toda la razón, RobertoGomez2. Es importante aclarar que el VIH (virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana) y el SIDA (síndrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida) no son lo mismo. El VIH es el virus que, si no se trata, puede llevar al SIDA, que es la etapa avanzada de la infección por VIH.

Lamentablemente, en muchos lugares, incluido Latinoamérica, existe el estigma de categorizar automáticamente a las personas con VIH como si tuvieran SIDA. Sin embargo, con los tratamientos actuales, el VIH se considera una enfermedad crónica manejable, y muchas personas con VIH nunca desarrollan SIDA si siguen su tratamiento adecuadamente.

La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) y otras entidades de salud reconocen que el VIH es una enfermedad crónica que, con el tratamiento adecuado, permite a las personas llevar una vida larga y saludable.

Es fundamental seguir educando y creando conciencia para eliminar estos estigmas y entender que el VIH y el SIDA son diferentes y que el VIH, con el tratamiento adecuado, no es una sentencia de muerte.

¡Gracias por compartir tu perspectiva! 😃

May 23, 2024
A myHIVteam Member

What is your question my friend?

May 22, 2024

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