Is John From Louisiana Still Here?
A fellow member I believe is missing and I'm just concerned because he was going through some procedures and I wanted to keep in touch with him. Does anyone know John's whereabouts or is he okay?
@JohnLehman posted after that wicked night of storms. He was out with the burros talking about the mud. The fistula repair should not have been too serious, and the date was the 22nd (I think). He may be having connection problems, and awaiting repairs in a place with many people needing repairs(?). Glad you brought it up @A myHIVteam Member. Easy to slip off the radar in social media with others filling the void. Thanks.❤️🤠
Which brings up a potential myHIVteam opportunity.... A buddy system and a form of emergency contact.
And last time I was saying the same thing ,some people here in the group we fear to expose our secrets in public ,some things needs privacy
You did Gabriel. What if myHIVteam created a buddy system optional to us, where we have one or a couple who we phone every day or two to touch base, and plans for when there is no response.
I just post a question to that very matter Jim 👋🙂👍
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