2nd Zoom Chat Next Week During A Week Day. Who Wants To Join?
I have set up a Zoom chat for this Saturday, May 18, 2024 at 2pm Eastern time (New York time for those of you across the oceans). You can find the information on my page by clicking on my picture and scrolling down to the information.
I will be doing another Zoom next week during a week day. What day would you like? I can NOT do it on Tuesday, May 21st, I am scheduled to work that day, but the rest of the week days are open.
Also, the Zoom chat will be in the ENGLISH language, we have no interpreters.
Ok. I understand and appreciate you setting this up whenever it happens
During the school year, I have a set schedule .Thursday is great for me too. I have Wednesday and Thursday off. During summer, I have a floating schedule at the school with college freshman orientations and athletic camps, club camps, and special Olympics.
I will try being available
@A myHIVteam Member, I might make it a Thursday, but now I am not sure if I can do a weekday chat next week. I'll know more tomorrow if I can or not.
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