Do You Have Any Old Pictures Of Yourself Or Family That You Would Like To Share?
Sometimes memories of our selves or memories of situations and events make us feel good. Do you have any, you would like to share?
I am volunteering at Nashville Cares.
Last May I was given an opportunity to go to Italy for 3 weeks. This is a picture of me in Rome. It was such an amazing trip. Wonderful memories.
My father, brother, and I on our farm. I’m the little one.
May 1993
Grandma and I. Grandma was 86. She lived to be 99. I was 21
This picture was in 1984 Los Angeles , Me my brother and my cousin..
Do You Have A Picture Of Someone Or Something Whom You Cherish?
Hello, I Am From Denver, Colorado, I Am An Immigrant, I Have Recently Arrived, Can Anyone Help, Where Can I Find Help For Treatment?
What Kind Of Meal Plans Or Diets Do You Follow, If Any?