Have You Thought About Writing Your Will?
Sometimes long-term HIV leads to certain surgeries. Whether, you're going through a surgery, in hospice care or just for your own peace of mind.....Have you created your last will and testament?
I need to get a will started! Put it off for to long! Thanks for reminding me about this worthy cause!
Yes. We can register as organ donors. It’s for positive to positive transplants. My ID doctor brought it up and gave me the paperwork. I think it was about three years ago when it changed. It could save one of us.
Yes... I didn't want some random stranger from the government stepping in and taking control of everything. I also did up POA forms as well both for property and for medical, signed to the same person who will serve as the executor of the estate so that I do not have to be dead for them to take control if they need to.
I plan on being around for awhile. However I did write a will and have a power of attorney in place. My time in the hospital gave me a lot time to think about many things. People who said they cared, never bothered to show up to see me. Never forgot that and I am sure they will be seeing what they get later. Boy, there is going to be a lot shocked people and what's left is going to help a lot people though.
No I'll be around for a long time but my family and I have done the legal papers. I will manage their affairs and asset's and inherit. I have a life policy and investments that will go to partner, friends or family, and investment property. The family will get the dog. I don't care about crap around the house. 2 nice bikes, furniture, china-whoever wants. Its how we handle all passings in the family and my departed hubby. Were not a greedy bunch.
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