When Is A Good Time To Let Family And Friends Know Your Current HIV Status Or Do You Just Keep It To Yourself?
I’m currently not sharing my status at the moment; this information is very difficult to obtain let alone sharing with people that are so judge mental nowadays!
My status was made very public, so I had no control. It was hard at the time, but was like ripping a band aid off. I agree with @A myHIVteam Member, in that it can be empowering to be “out.” Secrets can be a burdon. I believe the importaint point, is that it is up to you. You are not obligated to tell family and friends, but if it feels right, it’s right. Best wishes to you.
I let my sister know immediately when i was awaiting test then looped my mom probably two weeks later after I got my nerve together then sat them down together when I was for sure as far as anyone else it's not their business I'm single so no partner to tell as yet but will if I come to that bridge. ❤️
Well..... You can't unring a bell. When you are ready and can handle their reaction. HIV isn't a death sentence so there's no rush like it used to be.
I've been thinking about being open about my status but it's hard I know not everyone will like it and the unknown is what's scary.
I told my immediate family right away. I told a few friends.
Do You Have At Least One (or More) True Honest Person That You Trust, To Tell About Your Status And The Issues You Have Because Of It??
How Dose One Get Over The Fear Of Infecting Your Partner, This Is To The Point Of Not Being Able To Have A Healthy Sex Life With Them?
Have You Ever Told Anyone About Your HIV Status And They Kept Your Secret?