The Oldest Person Living With H I V What Age?
I’ve been reading about a 93-year-old who has HIV and has been positive almost 60 years
I was taking Truvada also and have osteopenia and developed TMJ and bone loss in my jaw. I’m suing them. They knew about the side effects back then and did nothing about it.
I am 64 and was diagnosed 2002, I am currently non detectable, the only problem I have had is bone loss until 2017 I had only had 2 fractures. But I broke my lower leg in 3 places it was determined it was it was from taking Travada for several years. I have lost 63% of bone mass
I am 76 living with HIV for 49 years
CONGRATULATIONS!! And I thought I was a long term survivor being positive for 29 years and 62. These young people don’t know what we went through in the early days, I’ll be in a chat room and have these young people want to be infected…..if they only knew what hell we endured with new
Medication before cocktails. Live
Long 👍
Is There A Blood Bank/resource For HIV+ To Donate Blood?
How Are You Doing Being A Senior Living As A Long Term Survivor?
What Is Life Like After Diagnosis?