Is There A Simple Way To Figure Out Which Insurance Plan Will Cover Me?
I currently have a BCBS PPO policy through my employer which will be ending at the end of the year because we are moving. It will be possible for me to get new BCBS coverage through my husband's employer, but if he chooses the PPO he has to pay a significant portion of the policy even for himself, whereas the HMO is free for him and then we'd only pay for my part. I'm confused about PPO and HMO. I understand that an HMO requires in network doctors, but are there HMO's that cover my meds? Or… read more
@A myHIVteam Member, Thank you! I did not realize you could use filters on there, that helps a lot.
If you continue on Biktarvy check out the Gilead’s Advancing Access ( They cover $6000 a year of deductibles. With a BCBS PPO, which is what I have & the plan’s deductible includes Meds, after Feb I don’t have to pay any additional co-pays. Also, check out your local Walgreens Community Pharmacy ( and ask them how they can help you manage the transition and the copays. They have been very good to us.
@A myHIVteam Member What I would do.( It might work differently since you have a husband so they'd prolly consider his income but give you a higher income limit) I'd sign up for ADAP when you quit your job. Since you won't have any income. I'd also apply for a co pay card.
This is a nice plan, if you have it in your state. It's $8,100 out of pocket cost, but only a $1,700 deductible when most plans want $3,500 or more for deductibles. But it wouldn't help you if it didn't cover your doctors and most of your medications.
I think you have up to January 15 to get on an ACA plan if you still need a plan.
My ADAP covers 100% of my $791 premium for this plan that I get on the ACA website
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