Hiv Reinfection
Is it possible if your on arvs and undetectable to get another hiv infection from another person . From what I’m understanding is that reinfection is rare. And usually only becomes a problem if you contract a different strain that is resistant to the arvs your taking. But my understanding is the resistance new virus would have to be resistant to all the ingredients of your arv to cause issues. Anyone have thoughts on this
Yes if your unprotected sex partner has a different strain and it is resistant to the same drug you are taking.
Happy no it’s hiv 1 but there are so many variations since hiv is always mutating and if you have sex with someone who stopped taking there meds they can get resistant to the meds then possibly transfer the resistance to you. Hiv 2 is mostly in Africa
Umm yea. There are people getting HIV while on prep and don't know. I'm sure there's some biktarvy resistant HIV out there. These days it risky.
Throughout the years I'll take them any courses it's believed that you can get reinfected with a strain of HIV that's resistant to the medications that you're on
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