What's Your Number One Complaint About Having HIV?
Despite many setbacks, what's the one thing that bothers you most about your infection?
Thinking everything is related to hiv. Every rash,cold,blemish etc. I have to realize that these are normal issues Not every health issue is because of my hiv condition. However I’m more alert to any change to my body inside and out
I find that it is harder to have a decent relationship because of one's fear about my having HIV
All of the things that hiv has an effect on in your body. Also people not understanding what you are going though with hiv, thinking you just pop a pill and you are fine.
No need to apologize my friend, vent all you want.
Yes Grandpa is back. Remember if you are HIV+ and Undetectable and you are taking the prescribed meds as prescribed by your doctor you are not TRANSMITTABLE. Some of us have been in relationships with negative individuals for many years and there was never a transmission. Just remember this please: The biggest danger to your health is yourself. When I was diagnosed - yes I went thru the usual feeling sorry for myself and the self-guilt thing for about a month. I turned what most would say was a negativity. In my often warped mind - lol - I told myself there is a reason this happened - besides my own stupidity etc. - I now have the opportunity to educate and prove we who are + are not lepers. I worked for the airlines for 57 years - 15 of those being + and in all honesty I worked harder than most of my coworkers as a Lead Flight Attendant so I was told by many pilots. I finally retired one month ago September 1st at the age of 73. Again your biggest health danger is yourself. You are no different than anybody else - HIV has changed you as a person if anything it has made you stonger.
Internalized Stigma?
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