How Do You Deal With Memory Loss Or Someone That Is Suffering From Memory Loss / Dementia?
As we age, HIV takes a toll on every organ of our body. Studies have not been made but clinical trials of various patients with HIV have shown that the virus does affect the brain. How do you deal with realizing that you're forgetting or someone you love is forgetting.?
I do appreciate your response my friend but like you said one answer doesn't fit all. My doctor who is a research HIV scientist
has said to me that 90% of his patients have reported some type of memory loss. I also have assisted in clinical trials where neurologists ., cardiologist and spinal doctors both have said that it's imperative that we study HIV in the brain. Again one size doesn't fit all.
I am a Certified Dementia Practitioner and would suggest that memory and cognitive issues should be taken case by case. We should avoid a one size fits all model about memory loss. But what we do know is that even with HIV, memory loss outside of normal brain aging is unlikely and unusual. So, first and foremost, if you have a history of depression or other mental health issues, I would look at that as a root cause, before HIV. And I would talk to your mental health professional about this memory loss before adding on a new diagnosis. It may be as easy as modifying a current medication. Or you may be taking too many medications already.
Alcohol consumption is also some me see as a cause for memory issues. And mental health issues and substance use/abuse are also high in the + community.
I would be happy to talk with you about this on a call/Zoom. The short answer is, your memory challenges are more likely related to an existing issue than something new.
I keep a pack of sticky notes on my coffee table. And I have one sticky note of my upcoming doctors appointments, Zoom calls. I also make another sticky note for things I needed the Food Store and put that in my wallet. I also have another sticky note going for things I need to purchase from Amazon, or Ace Hardware Etc. My memory used to be absolutely horrible, to the point where I would have to put sticky notes on the inside of my front door, or I would forget. We discovered that my memory was so bad due to some of the medications I was on, so if you're having problems check with your doctor and see if it might be your medications that might be causing problems with your memory. I did, change meds, it's much better now.
“Memory loss” or just plain “forgetfulness” I often wonder about this “issue” in my case, which is it? 99.999% I’m not really sure.
I just turned 60 on September 16th, I literally had a near photographic memory up until around 15+ years ago! That was when my work shift changed to times that prohibited my ability to watch Jeopardy for quite a while.
I don't remember how long exactly, lol!
But that coincided with the loss of items I could recall because of my ability to use what I always thought of as my Rolodex within my brain!
I called it near photographic memory because there was still items I would forget occasionally, but it wouldn't take much, using word association etcetera to remember most of it, including not thinking about it for a while,
It actually felt like my memory started deteriorating after I was no longer exercising that part of my brain any longer!
That and my advancing age are 2 of the things I attributed that to!
I never thought about HIV having anything to do with it, I was diagnosed just a few years before this, 20 years ago or so, I never thought it was more than a coincidence, interesting ideas I'm going to research and pay more attention to!
BTW, most of my long term memories, the ones from my childhood, high school, younger adulthood, etcetera are still able to be recalled, the ones I have difficulty would almost be considered current events, of course I don't read a newspaper anymore, I imagine that's part of it!
I'll just have to see what I find out!
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