Undetectable But CD4 Still Dropping
I started my meds while I was still seroconverting and was told I would probably have a smaller Hiv reservoir and do better than others. My CD4 at diagnosis was over 900. 90 days later 500 and now 9 months later 415. I have been undetectable the whole time. Has anyone else been undetectable and have the same thing happen?
I was probably poz for years and when i finally got the nerve in 1994 to get tested, my T cells were under 250. So statiscially since that time i have aids , even tho my t cells have gone up to 500 at times but they usually remain in the 350 range. Once you have aids statically that diagnosis never goes away even tho you’re undectable.
You better get on your meds ASAP.
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