What Do You Do On The Anniversary Of Your HIV Diagnosis?
How do you get through that day? Mine is literally Halloween, I dread being alone that day.
It's a day I think back to all the new things my life has now, because I got sober a month before I got diagnosed. It was two days before my 40th birthday and I just use it as a guidepost not to make any more decisions based on desperation of not wanting to be alone.
One anniversary at a time and thankful every single day! 😊
I found out on my Birthday 1989. So, I just have a day, no one has ever given me a Birthday Party 🙃, Ever! I even asked for 1 on my 60th last year and was disappointed again. So, I don't do anything on that day, ever. NOVEMBER 5TH is just a day.
I guess nothing except be grateful for the amazing lives we are able to live thanks to the sacrifices made of our brothers and sisters and to the heroes who devoted their lives to find a cure
I was diagnosed on Dec 1/98 and is a good day to reflect on all that has happen since. I celebrate it as a day of awakening but I don't let HIV define my life but on that day, it is sometimes tough not to reflect on those that have passed and it doesn't get any easier no matter what many will say.
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HIV And Health
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