Here’s Some Good News For The Future
Good stuff. I followed the research a bit ( and it appears to show some real promise. What doesn't show in the research is whether the new cells can get to reservoirs of virus that normal meds can't reach. This ability to clear virus from these protected or dormant reservoirs is one of the major challenges of HIV therapy, so will follow this as it moves forward. Thanks!
This is the tea that I drink once in awhile. number can only be seen by the question and answer creators)¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gclid=Cj0KCQjwhvf6BRCkARIsAGl1GGgvEYh2fqTMW5ipS8Bs_zjNcj9ZIC66KXlHptIl3f42fgkiXhcffvEaAnsqEALw_wcB
Well the tea compound would tease the hiv reseviours and wake up the hiv that lies dormant in tcells. Then it coaxes it out so there medication I take could kill it.
So my blood was used in a lab study with green tea which teased out hiv from the tcells so the meds could kill it. It was successful in teasing it out in my blood. I was chosen because I am anal about taking my meds. It was at the University of Utah. Watch for more in this.
thank you justinmichael! This is indeed exciting news! I was a participant in the GP-120 vaccine trial and was in the group who recieved the vaccine. It was less than a month after I was diagnosed, and I believe that is why I am having great results with my meds after 25+ years of living with this virus. I consider myself fortunate to have found the trial and being a participant. I would LOVE to be a participant in this new trial. Is there a link to the trial or a nameof a contact person that is in charge of this trial?
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