Have You Been Tested For Covid-19?
Asked my HIV doc last week at appointment. I am a long termer 32 years, and 67 also have kidney issues amongst much more. He said unless I'm symptomatic or exposed not to worry. I told him I would like to know what my status is and he said if you insist, there are two free testing sites that test everyone out of the city limits. Question is, should those of us, as the vulnerable community, be tested anyway regardless of being symptomatic or have been exposed so we can adjust our lives… read more
Honestly. Im torn. Id LIKE to know BUT i know i havent been exposed because i havent been anywhere. I also dont want to take a test away from someone who may need it AND i dont want my already know (and hopefully) negative test to mess with the numbers of our community/state. I feel like if everyone who is negative gets tested without having symptoms, the “results” make it look like its going away and its “safe” to to go outside and do whatever they want. I also live in WV and its really conservative here and a lot of people dont even believe its a real thing although weve had over 2000 cases and 88 deaths.
I was tested 2 weeks ago, due to having surgery. It was Not a pleasant experience and the nurse was so apologetic. But, I was Negative.
Prior to a procedure last week,I was given a test. It came back negative. It's good for that day so I remain suseptible. Face coverings and 6ft distance is a must. xxxx Cynthia.
@A myHIVteam Member, I've been out in public a lot, mostly Costco stores & Home Depot. You are right We already had all of the symptoms before, but my breathing is good. So no, i'm not getting tested, although an 81 year old member of the community gardens was in the Hospital for the whole month of May, fighting Covid 19. He has since been back to the gardens , but I keep a safe distance from the old man.
I love cats @A myHIVteam Member, but I can't keep one in the house because of cat hairs, among the smallest of problems they cause. I also have my Shih Tzu dog. I like to enhance the life of living creatures especially those who really were once domesticated pets. I also will help out the undocumented men at Home Depo waiting for work. I take them canned foods and clothes, coats, shoes that I do not use much. I just park near them and place the stuff on the ground, and they come running for it. No contact donations. I feel good when I see them from a distance thanking and waving at me.
How Many Of Our Members Had Covid? @A myHIVteam Member Is Curious To Know.
Anyone With Cats Been Told Not To Clean Kitty Litter Due To Toxoplasmosis? What Do You Do? Currently My Daughter's Do It. Automatic Box?
Are You Concerned About COVID-19?