With Isolation Becoming More Of A Lifestyle In The Current State Of Affairs, What Habits Or Hobbies Do You Have To Occupy Your Time?
With more of us being isolated more now than ever, what new habits or hobbies have you began or looking to begin?
Lucky for me, I've got a 2nd part time job doing x-rays.
I am working from home, so only a little more time than before.
I too have been an AIDS activist since the age of 17.. I am now 57 years old.. I marched with act up and went to Congress and lobbied for more medicine back in the day. That was no joke neither is this. For those people trying to make light of the situation please don't... because if it hasn't affected you, it has affected the world and that means this affects us directly... enough said
I like to cook and bake
LOL now that the streets are empty I may start window shopping LOL sorry just had to do it :) I am doing what I always do and that is tend to my yard and garden and playing with my cats and watching my scifi shows when I am not working.
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