When You First Got Diagnosed With HIV, How Long Was It Before You Had Sex Again With Another Person?
When you first got diagnosed with HIV, was you too scared to have sex? How long was it before you had sex with another person? Did you masturbate/play with toys before feeling comfortable to have sex with another people?
About two months with someone who was also positive. Then I met an HIV negative guy to whom I disclose and he wanted to be with me. I used to be more of a top, but because of the fear of transmitting the infection, I became a bit more of a bottom. When we found out about U=U I went back to be totally vers
Frank if you take your meds consistently you won't infect. There are studies to prove this.
I was diagnosed in June 2012. Before that I was having and seeking to have sex as much as possible, but I had noticed that it was a compulsion. I wanted to stop and I did not know how. HIV was the stop I needed. I went into depression for a couple of days. Then I decided to cry as much and as hard as I could but only once, and then move on. The next few weeks I worked on the feelings I was having as well as on figuring out my care. I stayed away from sex for a few more weeks. I decided to go on POZ Personals to try to meet someone and I had sex about a month and a half later. Then I had sex with whom would become my husband (who was and still is negative) about four months later. Condoms were the rule for us at the time but I was very afraid of transmitting the infection to him. There were a couple of condoms broken by December when I even considered to brake up to protect him. He convinced me otherwise. A good thing as I did not know that, being already undetectable I could not pass the infection. I would have ditched him for no reason and limited myself (and him) of amazing experiences (and a few not so great too but that is part of the deal :)
Well when I stopped doing cocaine in 98 till 2015 I did not have sex or masaturbatd was to sick to even masterbate after 4/2012 when I got undetectble and was on testosterone replacement gel then I started masturbating again. I did not have sex or play with toys till 2016.
I dont look so much for sex now, but a relationship and deep friendship where I feel comfortable sexually with who I am and the bond I have with the other person. It has given me a deep desire to focus on a relationship first and sex second.
How Dose One Get Over The Fear Of Infecting Your Partner, This Is To The Point Of Not Being Able To Have A Healthy Sex Life With Them?
What Did You Think About HIV/AIDS Or People That Had HIV/AIDS BEFORE You Was Diagnosed?
Would You Date An HIV Neg Person?