Curious To See
Just out of my own curiosity, I want to ask how long did it take for you to get a positive diagnosis after you found out you had been exposed to the HIV virus?
I had an automatic AID diagnosis
6 months
Diagnosed aids in 91
I was exposed to it in about october and diagnosed at the end of movement
I myself was exposed the end of 2009, found out about being exposed the beginning of 2011, and got tested every 6 months after that with negative results until my diagnosis July of 2015. I had done research on HIV as I have a close friend who is positive and I wanted to be able to support him. I have since learned about how the virus can lay dormant in ones system from 7 up to 10 years before becoming active. The person who exposed me didn't tell me they were positive, so I was unaware of being exposed. Thank you to those who have answered this question and to those who answer after this post.
Being Poz For 30+ Years.
What Is One Thing That You Found Most Troubling Since Being Diagnosed?
Do You Offer The Friendship You Seek. What Moves Are You Making To Develop The Relationship You Believe You Desire.