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Have High CD 4 Count And Undetectable But Have Tons Of Health Issues. How Significant Are These Numbers?

A myHIVteam Member asked a question 💭
Seattle, WA

Hey members, I know how important it is we have our CD 4 and viral load monitored regularly to be sure the virus is under control. However, as one who has lived with HIV for 30 years or so these numbers don't really reflect my overall health. My results last month showed my CD 4 over 1100 and undetectable viral load. However I suffer from a host of physical problems ranging from chronic kidney disease, a blood disorder, GI issues, thyroid, lots of skin issues and so on. I have eye surgery… read more

January 22, 2019
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A myHIVteam Member

Well its not only me.....I have maintained high levels of CD4 percentages...I dont focus on total count only percentages. The absolute count is always in a state of flux and the percent is a more stable and reliable measurement. With 26 yrs primarily undetectable except when I stopped a number of times for treatment interruptions.
Over the years I have developed such things as Diabetes, osteoporosis in a BIG way mostly fueled by Tenofivir TDF formulation, seizures, pneumonias, anxiety with depression etc etc....the toxicity of the antivirals os better now than it once was but we are playing with our bodies at a cellular level with toxins not to mention we are not eliminating the disease which prompts the use...the balance of toxins, virus and overall health cannot be maintained forever without one of them tilting out of balance at some point. I achieved 2 decades of life IN balance but the osteo is destroying my frame .... I head back to surgery on my spine for the 8th time this Friday.....being coinfected with HBV has been an additional burden as the. HBV unchecked has been 10x the trouble of HIV......
PEACE brothers and sisters always wake up and be thankful for what you have ....
Hugs all

February 25, 2019
A myHIVteam Member

maintaining your low CD4 count keeps the health issues at bay. This does not mean that having HIV doesn't keep you from health issues as the body is more prone to all sorts of issues from arthritis to osteoporosis to some cancers. Keep your TB inoculation up and get your pneumonia shots and the flu vaccine and the Hepatitis A and B shots and get your rest and keep as healthy as you can knowing that the body will wear out earlier than your peers. HIV will alter your life but you can maximize the way you live it.

February 25, 2019
A myHIVteam Member

One thing that I learned early on is that everyone reacts differently to HIV. Genetics has a lot to play in this too. I'm convinced that I'm alive today due to the immune system I got from my father, whereas my partner, Dennis, died in 1988. Our reactions to HIV medications are different from person to person as well. Then there are the studies that say that we age faster with HIV. I was on the original protease inhibitors, which were very toxic. I've had two heart surgeries, cancer (which earned me an AIDS diagnosis) and then there's the fatigue and weakness along with depression. For me, sometimes it boils down to putting one foot in front of the other, and trudging along. Not only do I wish you better health, but the ability to be "okay" with the way things are and the strength to see that you matter.

January 24, 2019
A myHIVteam Member

the virus even though controlled effects your health in many ways that take its' toll on your body. As we age our body is effected from issues with bone density and loss of skeletal height to issues with our livers due to toxic drugs and eye issues which can lead to blindness.

January 23, 2019
A myHIVteam Member

Am really sorry to hear that buddy for what your going through that my advise trying to detox your self with drinking lots of water forme it helps a lot try sweating. Also, your eating look up for foods that clean your body Am eating a lot of veggies now The Mind! Aromatherapy is very in important because when we smell a good environment our mental state changes completely take three white doves and let them go loose in your apartment after that let them leave by oping the door to your house. No am Not Joking! At All Love a Cuban who Love. People.

January 22, 2019

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