What Ia The Longest You Have Gone Without Taking Your Medication? Any Change In Health Or CD4 Count?
I attended a supprt group meeting a few days ago. The general topic was on medication side effects and the importance of daily intake. Two of the patrons atated they have stopped taking their medicine for two reasons. One stated that they needed a break from taking 2 meds and stopped treatment for 3 months. Another stated, they stopped treatment for 19 days to experiment to see if there would any change to his C4 count. As i sat there listening to their stories, I was in a little bit of shock… read more
My doctor wanted to see how long I can go without taking my medication to see if my viral load are CD4 count changed I went a year and a half before it changed I'm very interested in this please keep me updated thank you Larry price
I had stopped my meds due to I had a house fire and I am now traveling with my brother in his truck I hope to be stable soon I have been doing very well with my meds and have been undetectable for some years now and have been feeling pretty good but I would like to get back on my regime so I can stay that way is there any one in this group from Minnesota that's where I plan to move and will be looking for a physician there and Medicaid and medical physician if so please help me with the information thank you
I can only go by what a friend told me he took a break unintentionally and his virus mutated and now requires several pills a day. I'm not playing with the doses I freak out if I'm a few minutes late.
ChellyeDrake i would post to the Q&A section. It will catch the attention of others. Travel safe and many blessings to your search.
I also do my scripture study and prayer in the morning. Focusing on God and Spirit helps my spirit and grounds me
Cd 4 Cd 8 Ratios
Latest Results 🧐
Undetectable But Low Cd4 Count