Can I Predict Effectiveness Of My Treatment With CD4:CD8 Ratio?
I'm learning as I go. There are so many terminologies to make my head spin. My recent lab results from few weeks ago shows my CD4:CD8 ratio is 0.19. Last October, it was 0.07.
I know I need to wait to see my doctor to get some sense out of this. What's everyone's CD4:CD8 ratio after 3 months of HIV therapy?
It all takes time to learn. Some of the stuff can be terrifying but basically the ratio is important as it is the percentage of you blood cells that are fighting infections effectively as I understand it.
Thank you
My bring stay unprotact for over 22 years
Cd 4 Cd 8 Ratios
How Important Is The Cd4/cd8 Ration? Does It Ever Go Back To Normal Ranges?