Been Celibate Since Diagnosed With AIDS In 2004 And Think Of Dating. However Sometimes When I Get My Labs Done They Find Virus In My Blood.
I know there is no risk when you are on meds and they find no virus in your blood but worried that I may infect someone if I become sexually active, and there is virus in my blood. Any thoughts on this?
Think I found the answer. Read up on hiv-RNA levels and a level BELOW 100 copies is considered non-transmittable even though it is still detected. My results have always been at the 20 copies mark so it looks like I'm non-transmittable.
Only dating others of the same status is other wise known of as sero-sorting in the medical world I learned some time ago.
Now even tho others seem to believe that's the way to go as long as your upfront about your status your not only making the facts known but also helping to break down the barrier most of us herein know of as StIgMa and that's one wall no one needs to run into on a regular basis .
Now after having come out two times enmass ( pubicaly in other words ) mostly to folks I had no idea who the frack they were I have found it rather cathardic not to have to hide in the shadows and have been able to aide in other's coming to terms with their own diagnosis and not be afraid to be proud of who they are so if sero-sorting is your thing then mazel-tov and should U one day find some one U love and that professes to love u with she same breadth and depth who is not of a like status do NOT allow such love to escape but embrace it and go forth my friend :) .
( yes those are the words of a man with the AiDs virus who's husband happens to be non-poz even after nearly 32 years as a couple so I'm here to tell ya SAFE SEX does work !
@A myHIVteam Member hey it's an extremely long row to hoe to get to the status of undectable some times alas as long as U persevere U too shall achieve the level of undectable as I have done lo these last 10 years :) .
( what makes it so funny is that upon my last check up in June of 2017 when my id pcp walked in her first words were " well your t cell count is so high U want to loan some one a cupful " which of course brought forth some rackous laffter from us both :) .
NO glove no love and he won't get sick if U / He cover your / his dick are the thoughts that come to mind :) !
My labs came back and I was at 21....well shit fire i’m detectable still. Only my third labs: 12,900>41>21 so I guess I’m good. Had that problem too and would only date + guys then I got what I wished for and he was crazy as fuck, but of course hot as hell...Run Forrest Run! I can deal with Jeckle and Hyde, one at each end of course. But when the reside in the same Earthling we say No No No! I’m getting better with the idea of a +/- match, I just couldn’t live with myself if I passed this on as it was bequeathed to me...dang cheating ass bastard still running around spreading it too I just know it.
actually virus will ALWAYS be found in your blood until a cure is found (yeah about that....). I think you must mean viral load. Viral load and virus are 2 different things. Sometimes people can get them confused with one another. To be actual about the study about U=U, it states the chances are NEARLY zero in passing the virus, NOT ZERO. Nearly zero and zero are 2 different things. The chance of passing the virus along may be about the same chance of being hit by lightning. As @A myHIVteam Member stated there are still other stds out there that can affect your HIV. Just because you are undetectable and your partner is undetectable, doesn't mean you can share the sheets bareback either. If you are both on different medications and both have different strains of HIV (there are several strains) you CAN BE REINFECTED!!! Maybe the meds you are on is resistant to the strain your partner has and you would again get a high viral load and go through the stages of finding a new medication combination. So, just be sure to wrap it before you tap it.
How Long Have You Been Living With HIV/AIDS?
How Many Years Have You Been Fighting Hiv/aids ?
Undetectable But Low Cd4 Count