How Long Did You Wait To Tell Your Family And Friends About Your Diagnosis?
I've been wondering how and when to tell my older brother that I'm HIV+. If things go south, he's gonna be the one that I lean on, that I ask for help. I know for a fact that I'm not going to tell him until after Christmas is over. And honestly, between him and my younger sister, my older brother is least likely to tell this to anyone else.
So, how long after your diagnosis did you wait before you told your family (brothers, sisters, mom, dad) and friends? What was their reactions like?
I disclosed my status as soon as I found out. Most of my family are on a need to know basis. The ones that do know are my support. We usually don't even talk about it unless I'm going to the doctors and my mom ask, which one. Other than that it's not mentioned. I'm guessing because I have never had complications. I which I really thank God for.
Immediately after I found out. My parents made me promise to let them know. Very few others know. Unless there is need, I shan't tell anyone else.
The day I was diagnosed .
I didn't bother to tell my family since I was estranged from them. I never disowned them; but, I knew they wouldn't give a rat's sphincter, so why waste my energy. I am great, worked for 57 years and retired first weekend in September, Going to start using and enjoying my airline crew flight benefits.
At the time I told my son and wife of 25 years. My wife was angry but supportive. She is a queen by Gods grace. We are still married. We pressed thru this tragedy. I fucked up. But I told her. It was the most difficult conversation I'd ever had. I will remember it until I die. O my God!
The grace of God brought me thru
Hello, I Am From Denver, Colorado, I Am An Immigrant, I Have Recently Arrived, Can Anyone Help, Where Can I Find Help For Treatment?
Who Did You Tell About Your Diagnosis? How Long Did It Take You Tell?
Does Anyone Here Know Where I Can Find Help For People With HIV In Denver Colorado?