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I Have Been Struggling With My Viral Load It's Fluctuating So Much I Am Getting Worried Now Any Advice?

A myHIVteam Member asked a question 💭
Polokwane, ZA

I drink one pill at night same time every what could possibly be wrong.

July 11, 2017
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A myHIVteam Member

The vl will go down if the meds are effective. You should have a vl check after 3 months. If it's not decreased, consult your doctor. Focus on your vl rather than cd4 at first.

July 14, 2017
A myHIVteam Member

Mine did the same. I talked my doc into changing my meds. I went from bouncing around from 200 up to 800. My lastbviral count on this new med was 30. I went off Atripla to Genvoya.

August 3, 2017
A myHIVteam Member

Numbers fluctuate just don't stress or panic get exercise and eat good.

July 18, 2017
A myHIVteam Member

I have noticed that when you take medications the VL will change I was on Truvada, Reyataz, and Norvir for 6 years and notice my VL decreasing. The medications sometimes stop having effect on the strain of HIV you have. So you have to see which ones work better. There is a medication that will work for you. Don't give up. We are all here for each other!

July 16, 2017
A myHIVteam Member

how much fluctuation? was it stable for a long time before and now jumping up? There are tests available that can tell your dr if you are become resistant to a medication and then you would know for sure if your meds are still working well for you. I imagine some fluctuation is normal. If the trend is an increasing viral load I would definitely talk to your dr to see if a med change is in order. Good luck!!

July 12, 2017

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A myHIVteam Member asked a question 💭
Edmore, MI

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A myHIVteam Member asked a question 💭
New Brunswick, NJ

Why Would My Cd4 Go Up But My Viral Load Go Up? Confused.

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