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Real members of myHIVteam have posted questions and answers that support our community guidelines, and should not be taken as medical advice. Looking for the latest medically reviewed content by doctors and experts? Visit our resource section.


A myHIVteam Member asked a question 💭
Newark, NJ

Who take tivicay and how was it?

June 8, 2017
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A myHIVteam Member

@A myHIVteam Member Bad days are bound to happen - that's why we are all here, to help people with bad days. Friday I had one of my worst days, to the point my boss talked to me after work about good and bad days and how no one fully can relate to me, and while we are like a family I cant let a bad day ruin a supportive group at work who will do all they can for a good day with me. So its a see-saw ride we all are on, but we're here for you. Side effects of meds dont make a day bad anymore, we chose to make it bad if we want to. Ever need to talk, let any of us know.

October 8, 2017
A myHIVteam Member

Great...I'm having issues right now..not sure from meds or my body is just tired of meds..

October 1, 2017
A myHIVteam Member

I just started Tivicay and Descovy about 6 weeks ago and have been doing really well. I am newly diagnosed and these are my first medications. Since I started, my CD4 went from 16 to 113 and I feel better than I have in a really long time.

June 26, 2017
A myHIVteam Member

@A myHIVteam Member....above

October 8, 2017
A myHIVteam Member

@NewPlushinSF....Thank are may not be my medicine and other illnesses but I blame everything on my sicknesses...I just hate this but it is nothing I can do now about it...I know I'm depressed , stress and have anxiety...I probably knew to take care of that....I'm dealing with dental issues right now and do not have dental....I also tore my meniscus in my knee but trying to get my mouth done first...I'm not eating properly and now its leading to stomach you see I have a lot on my plate...

October 8, 2017

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