Have Anyone Heard Of Mix-status Relationships?
I'm positive and my partner of 3 years is negative (we always had unprocted sex)
I am am in a mix relationship I'm positive he's negative and we've been together four years and strong. We both bareback, and he is fine. Now if my counts weren't great then we would start using condoms. 😁
I contracted HIV to the girl I lost my virginity with and married and spent 13 years together. The thought of telling the first woman I met was really daunting but she was fine about it, as was the next, and the next and the next who I’m still with.
I always used condoms with my negative partners until the news came out that U = U and I felt I could truly relax again when having sex.
Im with my fiance who is negative he is very supportive
In the beginning, if they run , they run. If they stay they stay. But they know.
Yes, since 2009 when I divorced my wife who I’d contracted it from I’ve been in mixed status relationships
What Is One Thing That You Found Most Troubling Since Being Diagnosed?
Good Morning Members, Has Anyone Dated Someone Who Is HIV Negative And How Was The Experience?
Im A Heterosexual With HIV And Undetected. Im New To Dating. Has It Been Difficult Dating With HIV For Anyone?