Hello, I Am From Denver, Colorado, I Am An Immigrant, I Have Recently Arrived, Can Anyone Help, Where Can I Find Help For Treatment?
Hola Soy De Denver Colorado, Soy Inmigrante Estoy Recién Llegado, Alguien Que Pueda Ayudar Donde Encontrar Ayuda Para El Tratamiento?
I have just arrived, and I don't have a way to buy my treatment, when I start working that would be the first thing I would do to pay for insurance and they will help me with all that, I am very disciplined with my health, I have been on treatment for about 2 months but I don't want I will need them later.
Estoy recién llegado, y no tengo como comprar mi tratamiento, ya cuando empiece a trabajar eso sería lo primero que haría pagar un seguro y que me ayudarán con todo eso, soy muy disciplinado con mi salud, tengo tratamiento como 2 meses pero no quiero que más adelante me hagan falta.
Here are some options for seeking help for HIV treatment in Denver, Colorado:
1. Local Public Health Centers: Public health centers offer HIV care, including testing and prevention, regardless of… read more
Aquí tienes algunas opciones para buscar ayuda para el tratamiento del VIH en Denver, Colorado:
1. Centros de Salud Públicos Locales: Los centros de salud públicos ofrecen atención para el VIH… leer más
Does Anyone Here Know Where I Can Find Help For People With HIV In Denver Colorado?
Alguien De Aquí Sabe Donde Puedo Encontrar Ayuda Para Las Personas Con VIH En Denver Colorado?
check the provider directory on this website
Hello, Does Anyone Know Where I Can Seek Help For HIV Treatment? I Am New To The US
@A myHIVteam Member, actually at the moment that link is not working. I have reported it. Everything that our members have contributed to that link have seemed to have been deleted probably by a site… read more
Is Anybody Working Earnestly On A Cure For Hiv?
Thanks for putting out that information. I am thrilled to hear that.
Who Has Pets?
We all know that stress and HIV is not a good combination. Pets can help us lower our stress, and they are a part of the family too. So who has pets? Let's show them off! This is my Odie. He was born August 19, 2010. CLICK ON PICTURES TO ENLARGE THEM.
Trixie 💞🐾
Do Most Of Y'all Have Green Poop It's Bad On My Part Dark Green
I don't know who to talk to about it because I thought you guys was my friend we all got HIV on here and that's where I turn to y'all but y'all haven't talked to me in a while I got so many people on my team on here that don't even ask how I am doing I love each and every one of you I know that I do have a husband three fur baby that love me very much but my husband telling me not to give up on the HIV team I was going to quit this because y'all don't respond to me I don't talk to me I feel so… read more
Stop eating processed foods ❤️
Have You Ever Told Anyone About Your HIV Status And They Kept Your Secret?
I've found that anyone I tell other than professionals has to tell someone and then someone else tells someone else. My ex went through my whole phone book telling the world about me.
Many people living with HIV have shared their status with close family members or friends who have kept their secret. For example, one member shared their status with their closest family and a few… read more
Have You Decided That Sex Is Not For You?
A lot of The Times when we seroconvert , things come into play that prevent us from having sex or enjoying the gratifications of human stimulation.
Has this happened to you?
When I was first diagnosed I was traumatized and was afraid to have sex. And I didn’t for maybe 16 years.
Then I met Julian…. He made me feel so comfortable with myself. We dated about 8 months… read more
Meth And HIV
I am in no way a drug user. However I went to Vegas for a week and unfortunately I smoked a bong which I thought was pot. Later I found out I was smoking meth. I am extremely disappointed in myself I should never have trusted a stranger. He also did a booty bump in my ass. Which later I found out is another way to get meth into your system.this is the first and most definitely last time I will ever do something like that. My question is this going to affect my viral load cd count? My next test… read more
..... But it just takes one little mistake to rebound.
Has Your Status Affected Your View Of Your Future At All?
It was a shock... The shock of my life! I had no idea... None... I never felt anything... All I felt was very tired, but we were going thru with some things at work and with other activities that I… read more