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Does Anyone Think This Would Be Worthwhile? I Was Diagnosed In 1987. Didn’t Start Antiviral Therapy Until 2012.

A myHIVteam Member asked a question 💭

posted January 24, 2023
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A myHIVteam Member

Thanks, @A myHIVteam Member I just emailed my HIV doctor about this, and he confirmed its legitimacy. There are many articles on this topic at the NIH.

This genetic mutation is the one that allowed two patients with HIV, who needed stem cell transplants, to rid themselves of HIV altogether. The famous 2 cured of HIV.

If you have two copies of the mutation, HIV cannot invade your cells. If you have one copy, it slows the invasion.

I wonder if I am in the 2nd group. Take me $199 to find out..

posted January 24, 2023 (edited)
A myHIVteam Member

@A myHIVteam Member. It’s actually for resistance TO the HIV virus, more than one actually. May originally have come out of smallpox resistance.

posted January 24, 2023
A myHIVteam Member

This has only been approved for resistant strains of HIV. This is not medical advice just my thoughts after looking up the information.

posted January 24, 2023
A myHIVteam Member

@A myHIVteam Member I read another article when I goggled it. There they were testing it for resistant strains in people who are not able to receive standard treatment. You are correct on what this article is about.

posted January 24, 2023

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